The official name of the last book of the Bible is “The Revelation OF Jesus Christ.“ Many commentators understand this to mean that this is a revelation ABOUT Jesus Christ, because of the wonderful revelations of which we find in the book. However, the book is clear; the purpose is “to show to His bond-servants, the things which must soon take place” (Rev 1:1).
This is, therefore, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ“ in the sense that it has been provided by Him. Of all the books in the Bible, this book came to us with the least interference by man. John just wrote down what he heard and saw. He did not even try to interpret it.
We, therefore, have books by Paul and John and Luke and many other men. There is only one book directly by Jesus Christ.
A good place to start reading the articles on this website may be Daniel 2. The prophecies of Daniel are the foundation on which Revelation has been built. Without a correct understanding of Daniel, the reader will not be able to interpret Revelation correctly.
Alternatively, perhaps the reader wants to start by reading Daniel 9. The 70th week van Daniel 9 is important in the eschatology of many Christians.
Of all the books in the Bible, Revelation came to us with the least interference by man.
The whole Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit. You cannot say the rest of the books had been interfered with/by men. Your logic is poor, and your understanding even worse.
Dear Janet,
I refer to your comment:
The whole Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit. You cannot say the rest of the books had been interfered with/by men. Your logic is poor, and your understanding even worse.
I assume you comment on the following paragraph:
We therefore have books by Paul and John and Luke and many other men. There is only one book directly by Jesus Christ.
In my defence, I did not mean that the other books have been interfered with. I wrote this a long time ago, but to defend what I said, would it be fair to state that most books are limited to what the writers could understand, while Revelation is not?
What I mean is that God inspires people with understanding, and inspired people wrote the Bible. They had to understand the message before they could write it down. The Holy Spirit did not give the Bible word for word, did He? Inspired people had to put what they understood in their own words. For instance, Luke wrote:
Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile an account of the things accomplished among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word, it seemed fitting for me as well, having investigated everything carefully from the beginning, to write it out for you in consecutive order, most excellent Theophilus; (Luke 1:1-3)
But Revelation is different. John saw visions. He did not understand the meaning of the visions and symbols, just like Daniel did not understand the visions (Daniel 12:8). He simply described what he saw. Therefore God could convey messages via these visions which Daniel and John could not comprehend at the time.
Will it then be fair to conclude that Revelation comes to us from God more directly than most other books because it is not limited by what people can understand?