Basil of Caesarea taught three divine Beings.


The traditional account – Due to research and a store of ancient documents that have become available over the last 100 years, scholars today conclude that the traditional account of the Arian Controversy – of how and why the church accepted the Trinity doctrine – is history written by the winner and fundamentally flawed. 

Books quoted – Only a handful of full-scale books on the fourth-century Arian Controversy have been published since Gwatkin’s book at the beginning of the 20th century. This article series is based on books by world-class scholars of the last 50 years. [Show More]

Basil of Caesarea, who became bishop in 370, made an important contribution to the development of the Trinity doctrine. [Show More]


Terminology is a major hurdle in discussing the fourth-century Controversy. In that century, most people used the Greek words ousia and hypostasis as synonyms; both indicating a distinct existence. [Show More]

      • So, when the Eusebians said that the Father, Son, and Spirit are three substances, they are also three hypostases.
      • And, when Athanasius said the Father, Son, and Spirit are one single substance, they are also only one hypostasis. [Show More]

However, the Trinity doctrine uses ousia and hypostases for contrasting concepts, namely, that God is one ousia (substance or Being) existing as three hypostases (Persons). (See Article) So, the challenge is to find terminology for discussing the fourth-century controversy that will be clear to modern readers:

In the fourth century, ‘hypostasis’ was the primary term for a distinct existence but, since the term hypostasis has different meanings in the fourth-century writings and the Trinity doctrine, this article attempts to avoid it. [Show More]

The term “substance” (Gr. ousia) is also slightly confusing. While the ancient Greeks used it for something that really exists, we often use the term today for the stuff a thing consists of.

Perhaps the phrase “distinct existence,” which Litfin gave to explain hypostasis, may be appropriate as less subject to different interpretations.

This article uses hypostases, substances, and existences mostly as synonyms but occasionally also uses the term ‘substance’ for the material a divine Being consists of.


While the Trinity doctrine defines the Father, Son, and Spirit as a single undivided substance (one Being with a single mind and will), (See Article) this article shows that Basil taught that They are three distinct existences (three Beings and three distinct Minds). [Show More]

Identical in Substance

When the Controversy began, all theologians regarded the Son as subordinate to the Father. Even Athanasius, the great defender of Nicaea, thought of the Son as subordinate in some ways. Basil was the first to propose that “the Father’s sharing of his being involves the generation of one identical in substance and power.” (Ayres, p. 207) [Show More]

While both the Eusebians and Basil taught three hypostases, what made Basil different is that he believed that the Father, Son, and Spirit are “identical in substance and power.” His theology is often stated in ways that sound as if he believed in only a single undivided substance (Being). But the next section shows that he believed that the Father, Son, and Spirit are three distinct substances. [Show More]

Three Distinct Beings

Basil understood the Father, Son, and Spirit to be distinct Beings:

1. Began as a Homoi-ousian

Basil did not begin his career as a pro-Nicene. He began as an ‘Arian’; specifically, a Homoi-ousian, and Homoiousians believed in distinct existences. As a Homoi-ousian, at first, he believed that the Son’s substance is similar to the Father’s, but distinct. [Show More]

2. Homoousios as ‘likeness’

Homoousios has two possible meanings. When two entities are said to be of the ‘same substance’ (homoousios) it can mean that they are a single substance or two distinct but identical substances. [Show More]

After Basil had moved away from the ‘similar substance’ formula of the Homoi-ousians, and had accepted the term homouousios, he continued to say that the Son’s substance is “like” the Father’s, implying two distinct substances. [Show More]

While Trinitarians understand homoousios as saying that the Father and Son are one substance, Basil explained it in a generic sense of two Beings (two distinct existences) with the same type of substance. [Show More]

3. Like humans

Basil argued that the Father, Son, and Spirit are three instances of divinity just like three people are three instances of humanity. This is perhaps the clearest indication that Basil thought of the Father and Son as two distinct Beings. [Show More]

4. Distinct Minds and Wills

Basil described the Father and Son as having distinct minds and wills, implying distinct Beings. [Show More]

5. The Holy Spirit is not Homoousios.

Although Basil described the Spirit as identical in substance to the Father, for some unknown reason, he never described the Holy Spirit as homoousios with the Father and Son. This supports the view that the Three are not a single existence. [Show More]

6. The Father is the Source.

For Basil, although the Father, Son, and Spirit are identical in substance and power, they differ in other ways. One is that the Father alone exists without cause. This also supports the view of three distinct Beings.

Since he teaches that Father and Son have the same substance, Basil was sensitive to the accusation that he could be accused of tritheism; three Ultimate Principles; three Beings who exist without cause and gave existence to all else. Basil did not defend by saying that Father, Son, and Spirit really are one, as one would expect if he was teaching today’s Trinity doctrine, but by identifying the Father alone as the ultimate Source. If that is so, it is difficult to imagine that the Father, Son, and Spirit are a single existence. [Show More]

7. The Priority of the Father

Although Basil described Father, Son, and Spirit as identical in substance and power, he maintained a certain order among the Persons. For example, he never referred to the Holy Spirit as ‘God’ but as third in rank. Again, this implies that he did not think of the Father, Son, and Spirit as a single existence. [Show More]


Basil’s theology was not based on the Bible alone but on the Bible + ‘Contemplation’ (epinoia – ἐπίνοια). He explained epinoia as “concepts developed by the human mind” through “a process of reflection and abstraction.” [Show More]

Basil was a Philosopher.

It is traditional to accuse Arius of mixing the Bible with philosophy but the real culprits in this regard were the Cappadocians. Basil’s doctrine of God was based on pagan philosophy. Basil obtained the distinction between a common deity and the differentiation of persons (as discussed above) not from the Bible but from pagan philosophy. The Cappadocians all relied on contemporary philosophy more than, for example, Athanasius and Hilary. [Show More]


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Sabellians taught a single divine mind in God.


The Sabellians taught that only a single divine mind or ‘Wisdom’ exists. The Word (the Logos) exists ‘in’ the Father and does not have a distinct existence. The Word is a mere Word spoken by the single ‘Person’ (hypostasis) of God.

Since they taught that the Word is not a divine Person with a distinct mind, He cannot become a human person. Therefore, Jesus Christ was born a complete human person with a human mind, with the Word dwelling in the man Jesus as an Energy or Inspiration. 

Furthermore, since the Word is part or an aspect of God, He cannot suffer or die. It was only a human being who suffered, died, was resurrected, and who now sits at God’s right hand. 

In the fourth century, the Council of Nicaea was attended almost exclusively by Easterners, teaching two divine minds – God and His Son. In opposition to them, the Sabellians joined forces with Alexander, who also taught a single divine mind. Through their alliance with Alexander, the Sabellians significantly influenced the Nicene Creed.

However, after Nicaea, while the anti-Nicene Eastern church deposed all leading Sabellians, the pro-Nicene Western Church accepted the Sabellians as orthodox. The Western Church, like the Sabellians, taught that the Father and Son are a single Person (hypostasis).


Authors quoted

Scholars today explain the Arian Controversy very differently from how they explained it in the 19th century.

Due to ancient documents discovered and research since the 20th century, modern scholars conclude that the traditional account of the fourth-century Arian Controversy is history written by the winner and in some respects a complete travesty.

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Older books and ‘elementary textbooks’ – written by authors who do not specialize in the history of the Arian Controversy – often still offer the traditional account.

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This article series quotes from primary scholars in this field of the last 100 years, reflecting the revised account.

This specific article quotes mainly from:

Hanson RPC,
The Search for the Christian Doctrine of God: The Arian Controversy, 318-381 (1988)

Williams, Rowan,
Arius: Heresy and Tradition (2002/1987)

Ayres, Lewis,
Nicaea and its Legacy, An Approach to Fourth-Century Trinitarian Theology (2004)

Lienhard Joseph T, The “Arian” Controversy: Some Categories Reconsidered, a 1987 article

Three prominent Sabellians

The three leading Sabellians in the fourth century were Eustathius, Marcellus, and Photinus. 

In chapter 8 of his book, RPC Hanson discusses the three Sabellian bishops who were prominent during the fourth-century Arian Controversy:

      • Eustathius of Antioch
      • Marcellus of Ancyra, and
      • Photinus of Sirmium. 

Ayres, in chapter 3.1 of his book, discusses one of the three (Marcellus) as one of the four “trajectories” in the church when the Arian Controversy began. The current article summarizes these two sections of these two books, with comments from Lienhard added.

The theologies of the three Sabellians were similar. Marcellus learned his theology from Eustathius and Photinus was a devoted disciple of Marcellus.

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The Nicene Council

At Nicaea, the Sabellians joined forces with Alexander and significantly influenced the Nicene Creed. 

Eustathius and Marcellus attended Nicaea, allied with Alexander, and were some of Arius’ most vocal critics.

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Since the emperor had taken Alexander’s part in his dispute with Arius, their alliance with Alexander allowed the Sabellians to significantly influence the wording of the Nicene Creed:

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After Nicaea

Deposed for Sabellianism

However, the church deposed all leading Sabellians within about ten years after Nicaea. 

Eustathius and Marcellus were deposed in the decade after Nicaea. Photinus lived a little later and was deposed in 351.

Eustathius was “deposed from the see of Antioch by a council and exiled by Constantine.” (Hanson, p. 209)

“About ten years after the Council of Nicaea he (Marcellus) was deposed by a council held in Constantinople.” (Hanson, p. 217)

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Accepted in the West

Initially, the Western Church was not part of the Arian Controversy. 

For example, almost all delegates came from the East:

The delegates were “drawn almost entirely from the eastern half of the empire” (Ayres, p. 19).

“The Council was overwhelmingly Eastern, and only represented the Western Church in a meagre way.” (Hanson, p. 156)

But after the Eastern Church deposed the Sabellian Marcellus, the Western Church accepted him as orthodox. 

“Julius (bishop of Rome), in the year 341, summoned a council to Rome, which vindicated the orthodoxy of Marcellus, as well as that of Athanasius.” (Hanson, p. 218)

“Julius, however, persisted in holding a synod, which upheld the orthodoxy and innocence of Athanasius, Marcellus, and others; and Julius received them into communion.” (Lienhard, p417)


The Son is in the Father.

The Sabellians believed that the Logos is specifically in the Father. 

For example, Marcellus taught:

“The Word … eternally is in the Father.” (Ayres, p. 63) “Before the world existed the Word was in the Father.” (Ayres, p. 63) “The Word was in the Father as a power.” (Ayres, p. 63)

“To describe the relationship between Word and God he (Marcellus) deploys the analogy of a human person and her reason.” In other words, the Word eternally exists “intrinsic to” the Father’s existence. (Ayres, p. 62)

A Single Hypostasis

Consequently, the Father and His Logos are a single Person (hypostasis). 

Hanson refers to Eustathius’ “insistence that there is only one distinct reality (hypostasis) in the Godhead, and his confusion about distinguishing Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” (Hanson, p. 216)

“One point about Marcellus which is unequivocally clear is that he believed that God constituted only one hypostasis.” (Hanson, p. 229-230)

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The Logos

It follows that the Logos does not have a real distinct existence. He is not a distinct Person (a hypostasis).

For example:

Hanson defines Sabellianism as “a failure to distinguish Father and Son.” (Hanson, p. 224) 

“’The Logos for Eustathius,’ says Loofs, … ‘has or is no proper hypostasis’.” (Hanson, p. 215) 

Eusebius of Caesarea “accuses Marcellus of Ancyra of rejecting the hypostasis i.e. the distinct individuality, of the Son.” (Hanson, p. 53)

The Logos was and is a mere word spoken by God. 

For example:

For Marcellus,  “The Son was a mere word … immanent [inherent] during the time that the Father was silent, but active in fashioning the creation, just as one’s speech is inactive when we are silent, but active when we speak.” (Hanson, p. 224)

“Like Marcellus, he (Photinus) favoured the analogy of a man and his thought for the relation of the Father to the Son.” (Hanson, p. 237)

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Only one Divine Mind

While ‘Arians’ taught two divine minds – God and His Son, Sabellians taught only a single divine mind. 

The Eusebians taught that God’s Son always existed with His own mind, distinct from the Father. For example, both Alexander and Athanasius recorded that Arius, one of the Eusebians, taught that the Son has a distinct ‘Wisdom’:

Athanasius wrote that, for Arius, “There are … two Wisdoms, one God’s own who has existed eternally with God, the other the Son who was brought into existence. … There is another Word in God besides the Son” (Hanson, p. 13; cf. Williams, p. 100)

Alexander similarly noted that Arius stated of the Son: “Nor is he the Father’s true Logos … nor his true Wisdom” (RH, 16). “He came into existence himself through the proper Logos of God and the Wisdom which was in God.” (Hanson, p. 16)

Hanson explained:

In Arius’ theology, “there are two Logoi and two Wisdoms (Sophiae) … Arius distinguished between an original Reason (Logos) or Wisdom immanent from eternity in the Godhead and the Son who was not immanent in the Godhead but created.” (RH, 20)

Note that these quotes use the terms ‘Logos’, ‘Word’, ‘Reason’, and ‘Wisdom’ as synonyms. For the Eusebians, there are two ‘Wisdoms’ or minds. 

The Sabellians, in contrast, consistent with Jewish monotheism, denied the existence of two divine minds. Since they argued that the Logos is ‘in’ the Father, the Father and Son are a single Existence (a single hypostasis). It follows that they also have a single mind. There is only one ‘Wisdom’ or mind in God. For example:

In response to the Eusebian claim of two Wisdoms, Marcellus denied the existence of “another Logos and another Wisdom and Power.” He described the Logos as “the proper and true Logos of God.” (Hanson, p. 230).

“Marcellus of Ancyra held … God is one ousia, one hypostasis, and one prosôpon. … God had to be one prosôpon, because Marcellus could not conceive of two “I”s in the Godhead.” (Lienhard, p426)


The above discusses the nature of God apart from the incarnation. A further important issue is what ‘one hypostasis’ theology means for who Jesus Christ was and is. After all, that was perhaps the most fundamental question in the Arian Controversy.

Since the Logos is not a divine Person with a distinct mind, He cannot become a human person. Therefore, Jesus Christ was born as a complete human person with a human mind. 

The Eusebians (the so-called Arians) argued that Christ does not have a human soul (mind) but that God gave Him a body without a human mind. The Logos functions as Christ’s mind. In that way, the Logos suffered all the pain and insult of the Cross. The Eusebians described the Son as God (read more) but with a lower divinity that could suffer and even die. They claimed that the Bible teaches that God had to suffer and die. 

In contrast, in Sabellian theology, the Logos is as divine as the Father and, therefore, cannot become a human being and cannot suffer or die. Consequently, they argued, the birth of Jesus Christ brought into existence a new and complete human being with a human body and soul (mind). For example: 

Eustathius wrote: “The man whom the Logos assumed was a complete man: ‘he consists of soul and body.” (Hanson, p. 213)

“Marcellus also sees the need for a human soul or mind in Christ. … Marcellus points out that Mt 26:39 (“not as I will, but as you will”) demonstrates that their wills were not always in harmony; hence Christ had a distinct center of consciousness (a human mind).” (Lienhard, p427)

Photinus “certainly taught that the human body of Jesus had a human mind or soul.” (Hanson, p. 236)

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The Logos dwells in the man Jesus as an Energy or Inspiration. 

A critical question is, in what sense was God in this man? 

“It would seem that Eustathius … holds that the Logos is … dwelling as an ‘energy’ in Jesus.” (Hanson, p. 215)

For Marcellus, with respect to “the Incarnation … the Godhead would appear to be extended simply by activity so that in all likelihood the Monad is genuinely indivisible.” (Hanson, p. 228)

“Everybody in the ancient world accuses Photinus of reducing Christ to a mere man adopted by God, i.e. the union between Logos and man was one of inspiration and moral agreement” (Hanson, p. 237)

God’s only begotten Son is not the Logos but the man Jesus. 

Marcellus said: 

“The only title that is proper to the Preincarnate is “Word”; all other titles are titles of the incarnate Christ. The Word ‘goes forth’ from the Father; ‘begetting’ is better reserved for the Virgin’s  conceiving. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and receives His mission through the Son.” (Lienhard, p426)

Christ, God’s Son, did not exist before He was born from Mary. 

For Marcellus, the term “begotten” refers to the event, 2000 years ago, when the Logos assumed flesh. “It was not the Logos that was begotten, but the Son.” (Hanson, p. 224)

Photinus wrote: “The Son did not come into existence until the Incarnation and was defined as the whole human being who was born of Mary; Christ had no pre-existence.” (Hanson, p. 237)

“The Logos was only called Son or Jesus or Christ after the Incarnation.” (Hanson, p. 225)

Since the Logos is part or an aspect of God, He cannot suffer or die. It was only a human being who suffered, died, was resurrected, and who now sits at God’s right hand. 

It was the human person who suffered and died. The human body and soul absorbed all human experiences:

“The human being absorbs all the human experiences attributed to Christ in the Gospels, leaving the divine element untouched.” (Hanson, p. 215)

“This soul was able to endure the human experiences which it was unfitting for the divine element in Christ to endure.” (Hanson, p. 212)

Only a human being rose from death, was resurrected, and sits at God’s right hand.

Eustathius “distinguishes between ‘the Logos … and ‘Christ’s man’ who was raised from death and is exalted and glorified.” (Hanson, p. 213) “It is the man who sits at God’s right hand.” (Hanson, p. 214)

Initially, Marcellus taught that Jesus Christ would cease to exist. 

If the Logos is only an activity or energy of God in the man Jesus, then that activity should end when the goal is accomplished. For example:

“Marcellus set a limit to this period of Christ’s reign. At the end of this reign the flesh of Christ was to be abandoned, the body deserted, and the Logos would return to God from whom he had (before the creation of the world) come forth.” (Hanson, p. 226-7)

“He is most concerned to uphold God’s rule as complete and unmediated, and thus the kingdom of Christ must end.” (Ayres, p. 66)

Marcellus seemed to have later changed his view on this:

“He played down his more eccentric earlier ideas” (Hanson, p. 238)


The Holy Spirit is not a Person but an Activity or Energy. 

In the same way as the Logos in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is merely an activity of or an energy from God. For example, for Marcellus:

“The Spirit remains inseparably in God, but goes forth as activity from the Father and the Logos.” (Hanson, p. 229) “The same language of going forth in energy is used for the Spirit as was used in the case of the Son.” (Ayres, p. 67)


Sabellian Antecedents

Sabellianism, formulated by Sabellius in the third century, continued but revised second-century Monarchianism. 

“Scholarship has also consistently linked Marcellus with ‘Monarchian’ theologies. Monarchian theologians in the second and third centuries appear to have focused on the unity of God centred in the person of the Father. By their opponents they are accused of teaching that the Son and the Spirit do not have real independent existence and are in fact simply modes of the Father’s being. … Some scholarship has seen this theological tendency as a strong and persistent theological voice, both in Rome and in Asia through the third century, with Marcellus as the last prominent Monarchian voice.” (Ayres, p. 69)

The Western Church

The Western Church, like the Sabellians, taught that the Father and Son are a single Person. 

As stated above, in 340, the Western church accepted Marcellus as orthodox. The question is why. As is also stated above, at first, the West was not involved in the Arian Controversy. The West became involved only after the exiled Athanasius and Marcellus appealed to the bishop of Rome. Hanson proposes that the West accepted Marcellus because it did not properly understand the issues:

“Pope Julius and his associates who declared Marcellus’ doctrine to be orthodox can have never met the works of Origen nor known anything of the theology of the Eastern Church.” (Hanson, p. 231)

An alternative answer is that the West and the Sabellians had a shared Monarchian heritage, believing that the Father and Son are a single Person with a single mind (a single hypostasis):

Hanson refers to the Western bishops’ “traditional Monarchianism.” (Hanson, p. 272) 

At Serdica in 343, the Western delegates formulated a manifesto confessing explicitly one hypostasis, which is a Sabellian statement. Read More

“Athanasius, Marcellus, and the Westerners insisted … that the divine hypostasis, the reality of God, is singular.” (Lienhard, p. 421)

“Westerners, especially Romans, are probably rightly said to have held on to the spirit of the monarchian theology of the late second and early third centuries and thereby virtually to have ignored Tertullian.” (429) (Lienhard, p. 429)

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The second-century Monarchians, also known as Modalism, had a primitive Sabellian theology in which Father and Son are two names for the same one Entity.

Athanasius’ Theology

Athanasius’ theology was similar to the Sabellians.

As stated above, both Athanasius and Marcellus were exiled by the Eastern Church; Marcellus for Sabellianism and Athanasius for violence. However, they joined forces and appealed to the Western Church together. Athanasius claimed that he was in fact exiled for his opposition to Arianism and that his eastern judges were Arians (followers of Arius).

Alexander and Athanasius were similar enough in their theology to the Sabellians to join forces with them, both at Nicaea and during the decades after Nicaea. Read more

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They were not Sabellians.

Sabellians claimed they were not Sabellians and could point to differences, but they all taught one hypostasis. 

Marcellus insists “that he is not a Sabellian.” (Ayres, p. 63) Technically, this may be true. Sabellius taught that the Father and Son are parts of the one God. (Read more) In contrast, as stated, for Marcellus, the Son is “in the Father.” (Ayres, p. 63, 64) Nevertheless, in both views, the Father and Son are one single hypostasis (Reality) and the Son is not a distinct Person. This site uses the term “Sabellian” for any view in which God is only one hypostasis (a single Existence).

Low view of Christ

Sabellians had a low view of Christ. 

One surprising conclusion is that the Arian (Eusebian) view of Jesus Christ is infinitely higher than the Sabellian view. In the Eusebian view, Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. In the Sabellian view, he is merely an exceptionally inspired man. 

Biblical Unitarians

Biblical Unitarians are Sabellians. 

Another surprising conclusion is that the Socianians or so-called Biblical Unitarians continue the theology of the ancient Sabellians. On the Internet one finds heated debates between the Biblical Unitarians and Trinitarians but, in fact, the two systems are very close:

Both teach that the Son of God, eternally, does not have a distinct existence.

Both teach that Jesus Christ is a mere man.


Scholars today explain the Arian Controversy very differently from how they explained it in the 19th century. This article series quotes from primary scholars in this field of the last 100 years, reflecting the revised account.

The three leading Sabellians in the fourth century were Eustathius, Marcellus, and Photinus. 

At Nicaea, the Sabellians joined forces with Alexander and significantly influenced the Nicene Creed. However, the church deposed all leading Sabellians within about ten years after Nicaea. 

Initially, the Western Church was not part of the Arian Controversy. But after the Eastern Church deposed the Sabellian Marcellus, the Western Church accepted him as orthodox.

The Sabellians believed that the Logos is specifically in the Father. Consequently, the Father and His Logos are a single Person (hypostasis). 

It follows that the Logos does not have a real distinct existence. He is not a distinct Person (a hypostasis). The Logos was and is a mere word spoken by God. 

While ‘Arians’ taught two divine minds – God and His Son, Sabellians taught only a single divine mind. 

Since the Logos is not a divine Person with a distinct mind, He cannot become a human person. Therefore, Jesus Christ was born as a complete human person with a human mind. The Logos dwells in the man Jesus as an Energy or Inspiration. 

God’s only begotten Son is not the Logos but the man Jesus, who did not exist before He was born from Mary.

Since the Logos is part or an aspect of God, He cannot suffer or die. It was only a human being who suffered, died, was resurrected, and who now sits at God’s right hand. 

Final Observations

Sabellianism, formulated by Sabellius in the third century, continued but revised second-century Monarchianism.

The Western Church, like the Sabellians, taught that the Father and Son are a single Person.

Athanasius’ theology was similar to the Sabellians.

Sabellians claimed they were not Sabellians and could point to differences, but they all taught one hypostasis. 

Sabellians had a low view of Christ. 

Biblical Unitarians are Sabellians.