In the Book of Revelation, there are three beasts that each have seven heads and ten horns:
The Dragon from which the Sea Beast received its authority (Rev 13:1-2) has been identified as the 4th kingdom in Daniel 7, which was identified as the Roman Empire.
The Sea Beast – the beast that comes up out of the sea (Rev 13:1), whose mark in the end-time is put on the foreheads of his followers (Rev 13:1, 16-17), has been identified as the 11th horn of the 4th kingdom in Daniel 7. It is an organization that came out of the Roman Empire, meaning that it is one of the fragments into which the Roman Empire divided. These fragments are the nations of Europe. the 11th horn becomes stronger than the other fragments blasphemes God, persecutes His people, and will continue to do so until Christ returns. One may appropriately describe it as the Antichrist.
The third is the Scarlet Beast, on which the harlot sits (Rev 17:3). Since it also has seven heads and ten horns, it must be related to the other two beasts. The purpose of this article is to identify the Scarlet Beast and to explain how it relates to the other two beasts.
The beast that “comes up out of the abyss” in Rev 11:7 is the Scarlet Beast, for the latter will also “come up out of the abyss” (Rev 17:8).
Associated with the Harlot; not the Dragon.
The Beasts of Revelation present two different perspectives of Satan’s forces:
Three Parts – The Dragon, the Sea Beast, and the Earth Beast work together. The Sea Beast receives its authority from the Dragon (Rev 13:2) and gives its authority to the Earth Beast (Rev 13:12). Revelation often presents this evil trinity as working together (e.g. Rev 16:13; 19:20-20:2). They represent Satan’s forces as consisting of three parts.
Two Parts – The Scarlet Beast, in contrast, is never mentioned with this evil trinity. It is only mentioned together with the harlot Babylon (Rev 17:3-5). They exist at the same time as the evil trinity but describe Satan’s forces as consisting of two parts.
Subordinate to the Harlot.
In Revelation 13, people worship the Sea Beast (Rev 13:3-4). It receives “his power and his throne and great authority” from the Dragon (Rev 13:2), but then it becomes the superior power. There is no mention of a power controlling it. The false prophet is subordinate to it (Rev 13:12). The Dragon, identified previously as the Roman Empire, gives the Sea Beast its authority and power, but is not further involved in the end-time crisis.
The Scarlet Beast, in contrast to the Sea Beast, is a subordinate power. It is dominated by the harlot, symbolized as sitting on it (Rev 17:3).
Consists of seven phases.
The seven heads and ten horns are explained in Revelation 17 in the explanation of the Scarlet Beast; not when the Dragon and the Sea Beast are explained. This implies that the heads and horns are particularly relevant to the Scarlet Beast.
The beast as such is not explained but it has seven heads and the harlot also sits on the beast’s seven heads (Rev 17:9) and these ‘heads’ are explained as ‘seven kings’ (Rev 17:10). Since they exist one after the other (Rev 17:10), they represent the seven phases of the beast’s existence. By sitting on all seven phases, the harlot sits on the entire beast.
The Scarlet Beast, therefore, consists of seven phases. Since it is part of the kingdoms of Daniel 7, we must find the seven phases in Daniel 7. Another article identifies the seven phases as the four kingdoms of Daniel 7 plus the three phases of the 11th horn.
Sitting on these “seven kings,” and, therefore, on the beast, is explained as that the harlot “reigns over the kings of the earth” (Rev 17:18). So, the harlot reigns over the Scarlet Beast. The Scarlet Beast is subordinate to her.
Part of the animals of Daniel 7.
Just like the Dragon and the Sea Beast, the Scarlet Beast has seven heads and ten horns (Rev 17:3), implying that these three beasts are of the same species.
Since there are also seven heads and ten horns among the four animals of Daniel 7 (See – Overview the Daniel 7), the seven heads and ten horns of the beasts in Revelation imply that their species is defined by Daniel 7. Since both the animal-kingdoms of Daniel 7 and the beasts of Revelation exist until the return of Christ, the beasts of Revelation are part of the series of kingdoms in Daniel 7:
Dragon – As stated, previous articles have identified the Dragon as Daniel’s fourth kingdom, which has been identified as the Roman Empire.
Sea Beast – Since both the 11th horn and Revelation’s Sea are destroyed when Christ returns (Rev 19:20), and since both are described as the end-time Antichrist, the Sea Beast has previously been identified as that fourth kingdom’s 11th horn.
Scarlet Beast – The Scarlet Beast must also be part of the animals of Daniel 7. The purpose of this article is to help explain how it is related.
Always exists
The Dragon, the Sea Beast, and the Earth Beast do not always exist.
In the context of the War in Heaven, the Dragon is identified as Satan (Rev 12:9). As Satan (Rev 20:2) it continues until it is thrown into the Lake of Fire at the end of the Millennium (Rev 20:10). As Satan, the Dragon always exist. But, in the context of the war on Earth, the Dragon has been identified as the Roman Empire. As such, it did not always exist.
The origins of the Sea and Earth Beasts are described in Rev 13:1 and 11 respectively. In the end-time, the Dragon, the Sea Beast, and the Earth Beast form an evil trinity.
The Scarlet Beast, in contrast, seems to always exist. Revelation never describes their birth:
The Scarlet Beast comes up out of the abyss (Rev 11:7; 17:8) but that is not its origin. It has seven heads, described as seven consecutive kings (Rev 17:9-10), and .
Is described during the weak phase.
The Scarlet Beast is explained from the perspective of a specific point in history. At that time, it is said that it “is not.” (Rev 17:8) That does not mean that it does not exist, for the beast is described as “was and is not and will come.” (Rev 17:8), meaning:
- In the past, it “was,”
- Currently, it “is not,” and
- In the future, it “will come.”
The “is not” is explained by the description of the beast as ‘currently’ in a wilderness, in the abyss, and by the lack of crowns (Rev 17:3, 8). While both the other two seven-headed beasts (the Dragon and Sea Beasts) have crowns (Rev 12:3; 13:1-2), the Scarlet Beast is not said to have crowns, perhaps indicating that it does not rule. All four of these things indicate that the Scarlet Beast is described at a time when it is weak.
It symbolizes the civil rulers of the world.
The Sea Beast, which is the same as the 11th horn that grows out of the Roman Empire, is a religious organization, for it persecutes God’s people, blasphemes God, and deceives the people through its assistant; the Beast from the Earth (Rev 13:14).
The Scarlet Beast is not a religious organization:
Many Waters – The harlot (Babylon) sits on both the Scarlet Beast and the many waters (Rev 17:3, 15). The beast, therefore, is related to the many waters, which are identified as the people of the world (Rev 17:1, 15).
Heads and horns – As mentioned, the beast’s seven heads are seven ‘kings’. The beast’s ten horns are also explained as ten ‘kings’ (Rev 17:12). Since the Scarlet Beast symbolizes “the kings of the earth,” it symbolizes the people of the world as they are divided into “nations” (Rev 17:15).
The Scarlet Beast, therefore, represents mankind that is ruled over by the harlot Babylon, which is explained as the false religious systems of the world.
The harlot also “sits on many waters” (Rev 17:1), explained as “peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues” (Rev 17:15).
The Scarlet Beast, therefore, symbolizes “the kings of the earth” (Rev 17:18)
It is not a specific organization.
In Revelation 12, “dragon” serves as a symbol for Satan’s forces at different times and places. That chapter uses “dragon” for Satan himself. In contrast, the Sea Beast and the Earth Beast are specific organizations that come into existence at specific points in time, namely when they come out of the Sea and the Earth respectively (Rev 13:1, 11).
The Scarlet Beast is not a specific organization. The harlot is identified in the article on Babylon as ‘false religion’. She exists for all of human history because “in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all who have been slain on the earth” (Rev 18:24), and because she is the “mother (source or origin) of harlots” (Rev 17:5). If she exists for all human history, then the Scarlet Beast, on which she sits, must also exist for all human history.
The Harlot and the Scarlet Beast, therefore, depict a general principle, namely that the anti-God powers in all of human history consist of two parts; a political (beast) and a religious (harlot) component, with the religious component always reigning over the political.
The Sea Beast represents that same anti-God power, consisting of both the political and religious components, but limited to one specific organization in one period of human history. For example, the Sea Beast will “make war with the saints and to overcome them” (Rev 13:7) but Babylon is guilty of all martyr deaths of God’s people (Rev 18:24).
Babylon existed during all the empires of Daniel 7, corrupting the minds of the people (Rev 17:2) and killing the saints (Rev 18:24). This was also true during the Middle Ages and it will again be true during the end-time crisis, when the Earth Beast, also called the false prophet (Rev 16:13; 19:20) deceives the people to form an image of the Beast (Rev 13:14). It is that “Image” that will persecute God’s people (Rev 13:15).
The Sea Beast symbolizes a specific organization that comes into existence at a specific point in time. It receives its authority from the Dragon and gives its authority to the Earth Beast.
The Scarlet Beast, on the other hand, is never associated with this evil trinity. It is only mentioned together with the harlot Babylon. It symbolizes the people of the world as they are divided into “peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues” (Rev 17:15). It does not include religious authority, for the harlot Babylon—identified as false religion—reigns over it.
The Scarlet Beast is not a specific organization but exists for all of human history. Babylon and the Scarlet Beast, therefore, represent a general principle, namely that false religion, in all ages, rules over mankind.
Final Conclusions
When the Dragon stands ready to devour the woman’s Child as soon as He is born, it represents the Roman Empire.
The Dragon represents both Satan and the Roman Empire.
The Sea Beast is the same as the 11th horn of Daniel 7.
The Scarlet Beast does not symbolize a specific organization but represents the people of the world, for all human history, divided into kingdoms.
The Sea Beast, which is the same as the 11th horn that grows out of the Roman Empire, is a religious organization. The Scarlet Beast, in contrast, since it represents mankind that is ruled over by religious forces, has no religious authority.
Babylon and the Scarlet Beast symbolize a general principle, namely that false religion, in all ages, rules over mankind.
??Both the Sea Beast and the Scarlet Beast have seven heads and ten horns. As discussed, this means they are part of the series of kingdoms (empires) in Daniel 7.
- All articles on this Site
- The Antichrist in Daniel 1The Antichrist in Daniel, which is the same as the beast in Revelation, arises out of the Roman Empire; it is not Antiochus Epiphanes.
- The 490 years of Daniel 9 2Discussion of the prophecy and the four main interpretations
- Is Daniel a fraud? 3Critical scholars teach that Daniel was written after the events it claims to predict.
- REVELATION 4The ultimate purpose of this website is to explain the mark of the beast.
- General Topics 5Does Revelation describe events chronologically? Must it be interpreted literally? The temple in heaven, Christ’s Return, Hear/See Combinations, and the Numbers in Revelation
- The Seven Seals (Rev 4-7) 6There was a book in heaven that not even Christ was able to read because it was sealed up with seven seals. But, by overcoming, He became worthy to break the seven seals and open the book.
- The Seven Wars (Rev 12-14) 7This is the apex of Revelation, providing an overview of history from before Christ until the end-time, with emphasis on the end-time persecution.
- The Seven Last Plagues (Rev 15-16) 8These plagues will follow after the end-time Christian persecution and will be followed by Christ’s return. What is the purpose of these?
- Revelation’s Beasts 9Revelation has three beasts with seven heads and ten horns each; a great red dragon, the beast from the sea, and a scarlet beast.
- Babylon – Mother of Harlots (Rev 17-18) 10Babylon is mentioned only once in the first 15 chapters but the seventh and final plague targets her specifically. Then Revelation 17 and 18 explain who and what she is.
- Revelation 17 verse-by-verse
- Is Jesus the Most High God? 11The conclusion that Jesus is ‘God’ forms the basis of the Trinity Doctrine.
- The Truth about the Origin of the Trinity Doctrine 12The decision to adopt the Trinity doctrine was not taken by the church.
- Trinity Doctrine – General 13Including Modalism, Eastern Orthodoxy view of the Trinity, Elohim, and Eternal Generation
- Why Jesus had to die 14Discussions of the Atonement – How does God do away with sin?
- Justification 15How people are put right with God
- The Law of Moses 16Must Christians observe the Law of Moses?
- The Sabbath 17Must Christians observe the Sabbath?
- State of the Dead 18Are the dead still alive and aware?
- Eternal Torment 19Will the lost be tormented in hell for all eternity?
- Why does evil exist? 20And why does God not make an end to all evil?
- The church began as a Jewish sect.21Key events that transformed the church into an independent religion
- The Return of Christ 22When? How? Has His return been delayed?
- About Author 23I do not have any formal theological qualifications and I am not part of any religious organization. These articles are the result of my studies over many years.
- 1The Antichrist in Daniel, which is the same as the beast in Revelation, arises out of the Roman Empire; it is not Antiochus Epiphanes.
- 2Discussion of the prophecy and the four main interpretations
- 3Critical scholars teach that Daniel was written after the events it claims to predict.
- 4The ultimate purpose of this website is to explain the mark of the beast.
- 5Does Revelation describe events chronologically? Must it be interpreted literally? The temple in heaven, Christ’s Return, Hear/See Combinations, and the Numbers in Revelation
- 6There was a book in heaven that not even Christ was able to read because it was sealed up with seven seals. But, by overcoming, He became worthy to break the seven seals and open the book.
- 7This is the apex of Revelation, providing an overview of history from before Christ until the end-time, with emphasis on the end-time persecution.
- 8These plagues will follow after the end-time Christian persecution and will be followed by Christ’s return. What is the purpose of these?
- 9Revelation has three beasts with seven heads and ten horns each; a great red dragon, the beast from the sea, and a scarlet beast.
- 10Babylon is mentioned only once in the first 15 chapters but the seventh and final plague targets her specifically. Then Revelation 17 and 18 explain who and what she is.
- 11The conclusion that Jesus is ‘God’ forms the basis of the Trinity Doctrine.
- 12The decision to adopt the Trinity doctrine was not taken by the church.
- 13Including Modalism, Eastern Orthodoxy view of the Trinity, Elohim, and Eternal Generation
- 14Discussions of the Atonement – How does God do away with sin?
- 15How people are put right with God
- 16Must Christians observe the Law of Moses?
- 17Must Christians observe the Sabbath?
- 18Are the dead still alive and aware?
- 19Will the lost be tormented in hell for all eternity?
- 20And why does God not make an end to all evil?
- 21Key events that transformed the church into an independent religion
- 22When? How? Has His return been delayed?
- 23I do not have any formal theological qualifications and I am not part of any religious organization. These articles are the result of my studies over many years.