The 24 elders in God’s throne room are humans from all ages.

This is an article in the series on the vision of the book with the seven seals (Rev 4:1-8:1).


In Revelation 4, 24 elders sit on 24 thrones all around God’s throne (Rev 4:4). Since thrones symbolize authority, it means that they share in God’s rule of this world.

The elders are people.

For the following reasons, the 24 elders are people; rather than angels:

Elders – “Elder” is a familiar Biblical title for the leaders of God’s people. Angels are never called elders.

Sit on thrones – They sit on thrones and Revelation promises that THOSE WHO OVERCOME will sit on thrones (Rev 3:21). Angels are never depicted as sitting on thrones.

White clothes – They are “clothed in white garments” and Revelation promises white garments to God’s people only (Rev 3:4-5).

Crowns – On their heads, they have victory crowns (stephanois) as opposed to the royal crowns (diadêma) worn by rulers. In Revelation, the stephanos is the reward for overcomes (Rev 2:10) and symbolizes eternal life (Rev 2:10).

Twelve – In the book of Revelation, numbers are symbolic. Since the number 24 is equal to 12 + 12, the root number for the 24 elders is 12, and the number 12 is associated with God’s people, implying that they represent God’s people.

From both Israel and the Church

It is further proposed that the 12+12=24 elders represent the people of God from BOTH the times of the Old and New Testaments because Revelation merges Old Testament Israel and the Church into a single entity. For example:

1) The New Jerusalem—the eternal home of God’s people in the new heavens and new earth—has written on it “the names of the twelve tribes … of Israel” as well as the “names of the twelve apostles” on its “twelve foundation stones” (Rev 21:12, 14).

2) The “seven lampstands”—an ornament in the Jewish temple—become a symbol for the church of God (Rev 1:20).

3) The overcomers sing the song of Moses and of the Lamb; combining the main figures of the Old and New Testaments (Rev 15:3).

4) At first, the woman of Revelation 12 is pregnant; expecting Christ (Rev 12:1-5). Here, she represents God’s Old Testament people. However, after Christ was “caught up to God and to His throne” (Rev 12:5) she continues to exist and to be persecuted by the dragon (Rev 12:6, 12:14). Now, she represents the church. Therefore, she represents God’s people from both dispensations.

5) Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, becomes a symbol for the bride of Christ (Rev 21:2; cf. 19:7; 21:27).

Those who love will rule.

It is wonderful to think that human beings, who love God with their whole heart and their fellow human beings like themselves, are, in the control room of the universe, in charge of the affairs of this world.


The Elders are People.

They rule with God.

“Around the throne (of God) were twenty-four thrones;
and upon the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting,
clothed in white garments,
and golden crowns on their heads” (Rev 4:4).

Since thrones symbolize authority, this means that the 24 elders share in God’s rule.

Revelation sometimes explains what different things mean (e.g., Rev 5:5; 7:13) but it never explains WHO the elders are. So, we have to examine the available evidence and make the most appropriate judgment.

Angels or People?

There are two major views. Some see the 24 elders as a special class of angels, much like the four living creatures. The other view is that they are representatives of redeemed humanity.

There are several problems with the angel-view:

      • Angels are never called elders.
      • Neither are they ever depicted as sitting on thrones.
      • Nowhere do angels wear crowns of any kind.

But “elder” is a familiar term for the leaders of God’s people and God’s people are promised to sit on thrones and to receive victory crowns, as discussed below. This provides strong evidence that the 24 elders are human beings:

Sit on Thrones

Revelation tends to embed an outline of the next vision in the climax of the previous vision. As discussed elsewhere, Revelation 3:21 is the climax of the messages to the seven churches and also provides an outline of the next four chapters. It, therefore, helps to explain Revelation 4. It reads:

“To him who overcomes,
I will give the right to sit with me on my throne,
just as I overcame and
sat down with my Father on his throne” (NIV).

In other words, it promises that those who overcome will sit on thrones (cf. Rev 20:4). This implies that the 24 elders, sitting on thrones around God’s throne, are overcomers.

White Garments

The 24 elders are “clothed in white garments” (Rev 4:4). Revelation consistently relates white robes to the people of God on earth during the Christian era:

      • White garments are promised to the overcomers in Sardis (Rev 3:4-5).
      • Laodicea is invited to “buy” white garments (Rev 3:18).
      • The martyrs of the fifth seal receive white “robes” (Rev 6:11).
      • The great multitude is “clothed in white robes” (Rev 7:9) for they “have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb” (Rev 7:14).

A related passage is, that during the seven last plagues, every Christian will be warned to keep “his clothes” (Rev 16:15).

Golden Crowns

The 24 elders wear golden victory crowns (Greek: stephanois) as opposed to the royal crowns (Greek: diadêma) of rulers.

In the ancient world, the stephanos was not an emblem of royal authority but a symbol of victory or a reward for exceptional conduct, for instance, the crown that goes to the winning general. It was often a wreath made of foliage. It is best known today as the crown received by the winner in the Olympic games.

In Revelation, the stephanos is always worn by God’s people:

      • The rider on the white horse, who was interpreted as the gospel, has a stephanos (Rev 6:2),
      • In the seven letters, it is the reward for the overcomers in Smyrna and Philadelphia and it is called the “crown of life” (Rev 2:10; 3:11).
      • It was also worn by the woman of Revelation 12 (Rev 12:1), who is interpreted as symbolizing God’s people.

The locusts of Revelation 9:7 also wear golden victory crowns. This supports the interpretation that the trumpets generally and the locusts specifically are God’s messengers to the world. For example, the two prophets “have the power … to strike the earth with every plague” (Rev 11:6). Therefore, “these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth” (cf. Rev 11:10).

Elsewhere in the New Testament, the stephanos is also associated with God’s people:

      • The word stephanos is also used for the crown of thorns that Jesus wore on the cross (Matt 27:29; Mark 15:17; John 19:2 and 5).
      • Paul anticipates a stephanos crown on the day when Jesus returns (2 Tim 4:8). Here, as in Revelation 2:10, it seems to represent eternal life.

In conclusion, in Revelation, and also in the New Testament more broadly, the “stephanos” crown is a reward of the overcomer and associated with eternal life. This supports the conclusion that the 24 elders, who also have stephanois on their heads, are the overcomers and, therefore, people.

The Number 24

The number 24 could be drawn from the fact that the Old Testament priests were organized into 24 divisions, each of which served consecutively in the temple for a week at a time (1 Chr 24:1-19). In Revelation 5:8, “the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each one holding … golden bowls full of incense.” The incense implies that they function as priests. So, associating the elders with the 24 divisions of the Israelite priesthood is certainly possible.

But it is more likely that the number 24 arises from a doubling of the number 12, which is the number symbolizing God’s people. In the book of Revelation, numbers often have a symbolic role:

      • The number 4 signifies the whole earth (e.g. Rev 7:1; 10:11).
      • The number 7 signifies completeness in time (seven churches, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven bowls, etc.). For example, the seven Spirits of God signify that God’s Spirit will ALWAYS be with us.
      • The number 12 is associated with the people of God, for example:
          • The pure woman has “twelve stars” on her head (Rev 12:1).
          • “The New Jerusalem,” which is another symbol for “the bride, the wife of the Lamb” (Rev 21:9-10), has 12 gates and 12 foundation stones, and on them are written the names of the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 apostles (Rev 21:12, 14). Furthermore, in the Greek, the height of the walls of the city is 144 = 12 x 12 cubits (Rev 21:17).
          • The number 144000 (Rev 7:4-8) is also derived from the number 12, being equal to 12 x 12 x 1000. (See – Who are the 144000?)

In conclusion, since 24 is equal to 12 + 12, the root number for the 24 elders is 12, which is the number symbolizing God’s people, implying that they represent God’s people.

The evidence that the 24 elders are people, therefore, includes:

    • The title “elders,”
    • The thrones on which they sit,
    • Their white garments and gold crowns, and
    • The number 24.

For a further discussion, see – What do the numbers in the Book of Revelation mean?

From both Israel and the Church

“The names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel” as well as the “names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb” are written on the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:12, 14). The New Jerusalem, therefore, is the eternal home of the totality of Israel; symbolically, twelve each from the times of the Old and the New Testaments. This is one example of how Revelation merges Old Testament Israel and the Church. The following are further examples:

1) The “seven lampstands”—an ornament in the Jewish temple—become a symbol for the church of God (Rev 1:20).

2) The overcomers sing the song of Moses and of the Lamb; combining the main figures of the Old and New Testaments (Rev 15:3).

3) At first, the woman of Revelation 12 is pregnant; expecting Christ (Rev 12:1-5). Here, she represents God’s Old Testament people. However, after Christ was “caught up to God and to His throne” (Rev 12:5) she continues to exist and to be persecuted by the dragon (Rev 12:6, 12:14). Hence, this “woman” represents God’s people from both dispensations.

4) Lastly, as discussed, Jerusalem, the capital city of Israel, becomes a symbol for the bride of Christ (Rev 21:2; cf. 19:7; 21:27).

Jesus similarly said to His disciples:

“In the new world,
when the Son of Man will sit on his glorious throne,
you who have followed me
will also sit on twelve thrones,
judging the twelve tribes of Israel

(Matt 19:28, ESV, see also Luke 22:30).

In other words, the twelve disciples become the leaders of the twelve tribes of Israel.

Since it was concluded above that the 24 elders represent God’s people, and since the number 24 is equal to 12+12, and since Revelation merges God’s people from before and after Christ, it is proposed that the 24 elders represent God’s people from BOTH the time before AND after Christ.

The names of the 12 tribes of Israel and the names of the 12 apostles written on the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:12, 14) are not the names of specific individuals. It would not, for example, include the name, Judas Iscariot. And the list of tribes in Revelation 7:4-8 excludes Dan and Ephraim and includes both Joseph and his son Manasseh. It is proposed that the 24 elders, similar to the 24 names that are written on the New Jerusalem, are not 24 literal people, but symbolize the leaders of God’s people from both the times of the Old and New Testaments:

“Those who have insight will shine brightly
like the brightness of the expanse of heaven,
and those who lead the many to righteousness,
like the stars forever and ever” (Dan 12:3).

How did they get there?

Another article concludes that Revelation 5 describes what happens in heaven when Jesus arrives after His ascension. Since Revelation 4 describes the time BEFORE Revelation 5, if the 24 elders represent redeemed humanity, at what point did they enter into heavenly places? My response is that we should not interpret the vision too literally.

Another possible approach is that evidence in the New Testament suggests that the elders can be associated with events that occurred at the time of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. At the moment that Jesus died:

“The earth shook and the rocks split.
The tombs broke open and the bodies
of many holy people who had died
were raised to life
” (Matt 27:51-53, NIV).

Their existence was noticed as they wandered through Jerusalem’s streets after His resurrection (Matt 27:53). It is unlikely that these resurrected saints remained on earth afterward because their witness would have been powerful and widely noticed but none of that is reported in the Bible. Neither would they have died again. Paul gave us a small clue.

“When He ascended on high,
He led captive a host of captives” (Eph 4:8).

This might mean that, at His ascension, Jesus was accompanied by those who were raised from death at the time of His crucifixion. They might be among the 24 elders around the throne of God.

But then the question may arise, why are they seen in the heavenly throne room (Rev 4:4) BEFORE Jesus Himself appears there (Rev 5:5)?

The CrossJesus ascended 40 days after His crucifixion (Acts 1:3). Revelation 5:6 implies that Christ arrived in the heavenly court AFTER the Holy Spirit was poured out at Pentecost, which was 50 days after the cross. So, these resurrected saints could have arrived in God’s throne room at least 10 days before the great event of Revelation 5.

But, as I indicated, this is all too literally interpreted for my taste. Furthermore:

1) The people who ascended with Jesus all lived in the old dispensation while it was concluded above that the 24 elders are from both dispensations.

2) It was also already concluded that Revelation 4 provides a TIMELESS description of God’s throne room; not a specific event.

Final Conclusions

    • The 24 elders in God’s throne room are people; not angels.
    • The number 12 is associated with God’s people.
    • The 24 elders represent God’s people from all dispensations.
    • Revelation merges the church into the Jewish symbols of the Old Testament.
    • God appoints human beings to reign over the creation under Him.

Other Articles

Revelation 4:1-8 – A visual description of God’s throne room.

This is an article in the series on the vision of the book with the seven seals (Rev 4:1-8:1).


Jesus calls John up to heaven.

John hears a voice “like the sound of a trumpet” calling him up to heaven (Rev 4:1). This is Jesus’ voice (Rev 1:10; 1:13). Jesus is not explicitly mentioned in Revelation 4 but it is Him who leads John in vision.

LampstandIn the first three chapters of Revelation, John saw Jesus standing between “seven golden lampstands,” symbolizing “the seven churches” (Rev 1:12, 1:20). This is followed by Jesus dictating letters to the seven churches (cf. Rev 1:19). The focus of these chapters, therefore, was on earth. But in chapter four John is called up to heaven, shifting the focus to heaven.

Jesus calls John up to heaven to show him the future (Rev 4:1).

After hearing Jesus speaking, John was immediately “in the Spirit” (Rev 4:2). In other words, John did not literally enter heaven and he did not see a real place. He only saw a symbolic representation of the invisible reality through a vision of his mind.

The Throne symbolizes Authority to Rule.

The first thing that John saw was God’s throne (Rev 4:2). “Throne” is the main word in chapter 4. Everything in this chapter happens in and around the throne.

A person who sits on a throne has authority to rule. Revelation 4 is a vision of the governing center of the universe. The throne symbolizes God’s authority over all things. God is counted worthy to sit on the throne and govern the universe because He created all things. (Rev 4:11)

The One on the Throne has Ultimate Authority.

John saw “One sitting on the throne” (Rev 4:2). This Person is not named but Revelation distinguishes between “Him who sits on the throne” and Jesus Christ (e.g., Rev 5:13; Rev 6:16). The “One sitting on the throne,” therefore, is the Father. Since He sits on the throne, He has ultimate authority.

John describes the Father rather vaguely (Rev 4:3) because God cannot be seen (John 1:18; 1 Tim 6:16). He exists outside space, time, and matter. He may appear in a theophany (an appearance of God), but a theophany is only a faint reflection of His real full Being.

The 24 Elders are People

Next, John saw 24 elders sitting on 24 thrones around God’s throne. Another article identifies them as people because, in Revelation, only God’s people are numbered as 12 (24=2×12), are called elders, are dressed in white garments, have stephanos crowns on their heads, and sit on thrones. Their thrones symbolizes that the elders share in God’s rule of the universe.

… from both Israel and the Church.

That same article shows that Revelation merges the church into Israel. For example:

      • The woman of Revelation 12 first symbolizes Israel but later also the Church.
      • The bride of Christ is called the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2; cf. Rev 19:7; 21:27).
      • The names of both “the twelve tribes … of Israel” and “of the twelve apostles” are written on the New Jerusalem—the eternal city of God’s people (Rev 21:12, 14).

The 24 elders, therefore, are from both Israel and the Church.

The seven Spirits of God

John saw “seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God” (Rev 4:5). This recalls the Hebrew sanctuary, in which seven lamps of fire were always burning (Exo 25:37).

God does not literally have seven Spirits. The number seven has to do with time and should be understood as the completion or perfection of time—the full period. The seven Spirits of God can be understood to mean that God’s Spirit is ALWAYS present. 

“The seven Spirits of God” are before the throne of God; apparently subordinate to the “One sitting on the throne” (Rev 4:2).

The four Living Creatures

John saw “four living creatures” “in the center and around the throne” (Rev 4:6). They represent the angelic portion of God’s kingdom. They are always near the throne (Rev 4:6; 5:6; 7:11; 14:3). They seem to be intermediaries between God and humanity, represented by the 24 elders.

They were “full of eyes in front and behind” (Rev 4:6), symbolizing knowledge of all things. The number four represents ‘the whole earth’ (cf. Rev 7:1; 14:6). The four living creatures, therefore, know everything that happens on earth.

Their faces were like the faces of a lion, a calf, a man, and a flying eagle (Rev 4:7). These features indicate endurance, perseverance, strength, speed, and intelligence.



4:1 – John called up to heaven

After these things

This phrase often introduces a new vision (e.g., Rev 7:1, 9).

Here, “these things” refer to the seven letters to the seven churches, as contained in chapters two and three (cf. Rev 1:19). 

… I looked and behold

John did not look with his literal eyes, but in a vision.

… a door standing open in heaven

In his mind, John is no longer on Patmos, but at the gates of heaven.

… and the first voice which I had heard, like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me

This is Jesus’ voice which John previously heard as a loud voice; “like the sound of a trumpet” (Rev 1:10). When John turned to see who was speaking, he saw a vision of the Son of man among the seven candlesticks (Rev 1:12-18).

Jesus’ voice sounds both like a trumpet and like many waters (Rev 1:15). These are two descriptions of the same voice.

It is, therefore, Jesus who speaks in this verse. Jesus is not one of the actors in this chapter but it is still Him who leads John in vision.

… said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after these things

This is the second time that the phrase “after these things” appears in this verse. “These things” refer to chapters two and three, reflecting John’s time. “What must take place after these things” are events that are largely in his future.

The words, “come up here” invites John into heaven. In the first three chapters, John met Jesus ON EARTH, for Jesus was standing between the candlesticks symbolizing the seven churches (Rev 1:20). The seven letters in chapters 2 and 3 were also addressed to seven churches ON EARTH. But the scene changes in chapter four from earth to heaven.

4:2 – God sitting on His throne

Immediately I was in the Spirit

John does not enter heaven physically; he is carried in vision by the Spirit into the heavenly places.

In Revelation, John goes “in the Spirit” four times. The first was in Revelation 1:10, where he encountered the glorified Jesus. The second is here. The third and fourth are in Revelation 17:3 and 21:10. Of the four, the current one is the only one that calls John into heaven. The others call him to different places ON EARTH where something special happens.

… and behold, a throne was standing in heaven

The main word in chapter 4 is “throne.” This word appears fourteen times in the eleven verses of the chapter. Everything in this chapter happens in and around the throne. In addition to God who sits “on” the throne (Rev 4:2, 4, 6, 9, 10), we read about things:

        • In the midst of the throne (Rev 4:6),
        • Before the throne (Rev 4:5, 6, 10),
        • All around the throne (Rev 4:3, 4, 6), and
        • Coming out from the throne (Rev 4:5),

The term “throne” is drawn from the governmental language of the time. The person who sits on a throne has the legal authority to rule over some territory or a nation. Revelation 4 depicts the governing center of the universe, and the throne is the symbol of God’s authority to rule the universe.

That authority is grounded in creation for God is counted worthy to sit on the throne and govern the universe because He created all things (Rev 4:11).

There are four major throne scenes in the Old Testament. Revelation 4 strongly alludes to the throne scene of Ezekiel 1. But the description of the four living creatures (Rev 4:6-7) and the “holy, holy, holy” (Rev 4:8) refer to the throne vision in Isaiah 6. We find another major throne scene in Daniel 7.

The throne “was standing” in heaven. It means that the throne “was standing” BEFORE John saw it. This confirms that John is not viewing one specific event, in contrast to Daniel 7:9, where the throne was placed for a special event.

… and One sitting on the throne

The One sitting on the throne is not named but Revelation distinguishes “Him who sits on the throne” from Jesus Christ (cf. Rev 5:5-7, 5:9, 5:13; 6:16). The “One sitting on the throne,” therefore, is God the Father. Since He sits on the throne, He has the ultimate authority.

4:3 – God described

And He who was sitting was like a jasper stone and a sardius in appearance

Revelation 1 describes Jesus in much detail (Rev 1:13-18) but there is a vagueness in this description of God. Other throne visions are more specific:

        • In Ezekiel 1:26-27, the one sitting on the throne has a human appearance. From the waist up, He looks like glowing metal and, from the waist down, like fire.
        • Daniel 7:9 describes “the Ancient of Days” (God). “His vesture was like white snow and the hair of His head like pure wool.”

These visions describe God in human terms but God cannot be seen (John 1:18). He “alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see” (1 Tim 6:16). He has created everything that can be seen and cannot be described in terms of things that can be seen. God does not exist somewhere in the universe. The universe exists somewhere within God. He exists outside space, time, and matter. He may appear in a theophany, which is an appearance of God, but a theophany is only a faint reflection of His real full Being. Since space, time, and matter exist somewhere within God, the substance of His Being can never be defined in terms of physical things.

… and there was a rainbow around the throne, like an emerald in appearance.

It is not clear whether the rainbow was horizontally around the throne or a half-circle vertically arched above the throne, as rainbows are on earth.

While a rainbow normally exhibits multiple colors from purple to red, the primary color of this rainbow is green; the color of an emerald.

In the flood story of Genesis, the rainbow was a symbol of God’s covenant with Noah (Gen 9:12-17), an assurance that He is faithful in keeping his promises.

4:4 – The 24 Elders

Around the throne were twenty-four thrones;
and upon the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting,
clothed in white garments,
and golden crowns on their heads.

Like the rainbow in the previous verse, the 24 elders are “around the throne,” which should be taken in a horizontal sense. If the rainbow is like a halo horizontally around the area, the 24 elders could be understood as sitting in or under it.

In human meetings, the audience normally sits in front of the speaker but the twenty-four thrones encircle the throne. 

Are people

The article on the 24 elders identifies them as human representatives of God’s people on earth. This is based on the following:

1) “Elders” is a familiar Biblical title for humans but angels are never called elders.

2) They sit on thrones and Revelation promises that the overcomers will sit on thrones (Rev 3:21; 20:4). Angels are never described as sitting on thrones.

3) They are “clothed in white garments” (Rev 4:4) and Revelation promises white robes to God’s people (Rev 3:4-5; cf. Rev 3:18; 6:11; 7:9, 14).

4) The 24 elders have victory crowns (stephanos) which is the reward for the overcomers (Rev 2:10; 3:11) and symbolizes eternal life (Rev 2:10; cf. 2 Tim 4:8).

5) The number 24 is a doubling of the number 12 and Revelation associates the number 12 with God’s people (Rev 12:1; 21:12, 14, 17; 7:4-8).

Their thrones indicate that the elders share in God’s rule of the universe. It is wonderful to think that human beings, that love their fellow human beings like themselves, represent humanity in the control room of the universe.

From both Israel and the Church.

The article on the 24 elders also shows that the 24 elders represent God’s people from BOTH the time before AND after Christ. In other words, from both Israel and the church. The 24 elders are one example of how Revelation merges God’s people from Israel and the church. The following are further examples:

      • The names of BOTH “the twelve tribes … of Israel” and “of the twelve apostles” are written on the New Jerusalem—the city of God’s people in the new heavens and new earth (Rev 21:12, 14).
      • The woman of Revelation 12 represents both Israel and the church. (See, Who are the woman, the dragon, the child?)
      • The “seven lampstands” in the Jewish temple become a symbol for the church (Rev 1:20).
      • The people who overcome the beast sing the song of both Moses and the Lamb (Rev 15:3) – the key figures of the Old and New Testaments.
      • Jerusalem, Israel’s capital city, becomes the bride of Christ (Rev 21:2; cf. Rev 19:7; 21:27).

4:5 – Lightning, Thunder, and Seven Spirits

Out from the throne come flashes of lightning
and sounds and peals of thunder.

This language builds on Old Testament ‘theophanies’:

        • The original theophany was on Mount Sinai (Exo 19:16-20).
        • In the first chapter of Ezekiel, the appearance of God also included lightning and loud noises (Ezek 1:13, 24).  

This series of words (lightning – sounds – thunder) is repeated three more times in Revelation:

        • The next two instances add “earthquake” to the previous three (Rev 8:5; 16:18).
        • The fifth instance adds both “earthquake” and “great hail” (Rev 11:19)

Since the “lightning and sounds and peals of thunder” are things that happen in the air in a thunderstorm, and since they come out of the throne, they probably represent God’s utterances. The “earthquake” and “great hail,” on the other hand, are things that happen on earth and, therefore, probably represent the earthly consequences of God’s decrees.

And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God;

The Greek words translated “lamps” in this verse, symbolizing the Spirit of God, are different from the word translated “lampstands” in Revelation 1:12-13, representing the seven churches (Rev 1:20). Nevertheless, the concept of “seven lamps of fire” in this verse still recalls the Hebrew sanctuary, in which seven lamps of fire were CONSTANTLY burning (Exo 25:37).

“The seven Spirits of God” is here located before the throne of God; apparently subordinate to the “One sitting on the throne” (Rev 4:2).

God does not literally have seven Spirits. The number seven must be interpreted symbolically. It is mentioned many (56) times in Revelation and is based on the seven days of the week. The number seven in Revelation is different from the other numbers in Revelation in the sense that the seven elements stand in chronological sequence to each other—the second follows after the first—the third after the second, and so forth, with the seventh as the last or end. The same cannot be said of the other important numbers in Revelation, such as 4, 10, and 12. The number seven, therefore, has to do with time and should be understood as the completion or perfection of time—the full period.

For this reason, and due to the connection between the Spirits and the lamps in the temple that were ALWAYS burning, the seven Spirits of God can be understood to mean that God’s Spirit is ALWAYS present.

4:6 – Four Living Creatures 

and before the throne there was something like a sea of glass, like crystal;

It is not a real sea of glass; it is “something LIKE a sea of glass.”  John is doing his best to describe his vision of heavenly in human terms.

Glass and glass-blowing were known to the ancients but the ancient glass was often coarse and semi-opaque. In contrast, the reference to crystal emphasizes the transparent clarity of this sea of glass.

The “sea of glass” appears again in Revelation, but then it is mingled with fire (Rev 15:2).

and in the center and around the throne, four living creatures full of eyes in front and behind.

It is a bit difficult to understand what “in the center and around the throne” means:

It could mean that the four living creatures move around.

Since they are always near the throne (Rev 4:6; 5:6; 7:11; 14:3), it could also mean that they are in the center of the circle of elders; between the circle of elders and the throne. They seem to be intermediaries between God and the human race, represented by the 24 elders.

The Four Living Creatures of Ezekiel 1

There are also four living creatures in the throne vision of Ezekiel 1. There are multiple similarities. Both Revelation 4 and Ezekiel 1 have:

      • Four living creatures (Ezek 1:5; Rev 4:6);
      • With faces like a lion, ox, man, and eagle/vulture (Ezek 1:10; Rev 4:7);
      • Full of eyes (Ezek 1:18; Rev 4:6); and
      • A rainbow surrounding the throne (Ezek 1:28; Rev 4:3).

In both, the four living creatures are especially close to God. In Ezekiel, they are the bearers of God’s throne chariot. There are also some interesting differences. For example:

Ezekiel 1 Revelation 4
Each of the four living creatures has FOUR faces, one each of man, lion, ox, and eagle (Ezek 1:10). Each living creature had a face like only one of the four beings (Rev 4:7).
Each of the four living creatures has four wings (Ezek 1:11). Each has six wings (Rev 4:8).
The WHEELS are full of eyes all around (Ezek 1:16-18). The living creatures themselves are covered with eyes front and back (Rev 4:6).
The four living creatures are under the throne (Ezek 1:26) and are the means by which the throne moves (Ezek 1:12; 15-21). The throne seems stationary (Rev 4:2).

These prophets did not physically see God’s throne room. These were visions in the minds of the prophets. What detail God gave to them may be different from time to time, depending on the purpose of the revelation.

Living Creatures in Other Sources

1 Enoch 40:2 (Ethiopic Enoch) – a Jewish book known in New Testament times – mentions four archangels named Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael. If they are the same as the four living creatures, they are the leaders of the angels. In that case, in Revelation, the first circle around the throne consists of angels, and the second circle consists of human beings; represented by the 24 elders.

Ezekiel 10:20 refers to four living beings as cherubim. This term occurs over 90 times in the Hebrew Bible but only once in the New Testament (Heb 9:4-5), where they are “above” the ark of the covenant.

Similar to the four living creatures of Revelation, the seraphim in Isaiah 6 also have six wings and constantly say, “holy, holy, holy” (Isa 6:2-3; Rev 4:8). Revelation 4, therefore, combines features drawn from both the cherubim in Ezekiel and the seraphim of Isaiah 6.

Connect Humanity to God.

The King James Version describes the four living creatures as “beasts,” but that is not a good translation. The word for beast represents the animal kingdom and is reserved for the forces of evil in Revelation (Rev 11:7; 13:1; 13:11, etc.). “Living creature,” on the other hand, is a broader term that can represent also angels, birds, and humans.

The four living creatures are full of eyes in front and back. This is not to be taken literally. Their eyes probably represent the omniscience of God, who knows everything that can be known. The number four represents ‘the whole earth’ (cf. Rev 7:1; 14:6). The four living creatures, therefore, know everything that happens on earth.

In conclusion, the four living creatures are the primary connection between God and creation. They might correspond to the four archangels of Jewish tradition; the leaders of the angels. As such, the four living creatures represent the angelic portion of God’s kingdom, while the twenty-four elders represent the human race before God.

4:7-8 – The four living creatures described 

4:7 The first creature was like a lion,
and the second creature like a calf,
and the third creature had a face like that of a man,
and the fourth creature was like a flying eagle.

These features indicate endurance, perseverance, strength, and speed. Relative to the animals, the “face like a man” implies intelligence.

4:8 And the four living creatures,
each one of them having six wings

Since the living creatures of Ezekiel 1 had four wings each, the six wings recall the six-winged cherubim of Isaiah 6; two wings were used to cover their faces, two wings to cover their feet and two were used to fly (Isaiah 6:2).

are full of eyes around and within

In verse 6, four living creatures were “full of eyes in front and behind.” In the current verse, the eyes are “around and within,” which is difficult to visualize. Nevertheless, the meaning is that the vision of the living creatures is not impeded in any way. They were created by God with the highest possible alertness, perception, and knowledge.