Daniel 8: Did the evil horn come out of the Greek goat?


The Horn is Roman.

Previous articles concluded that Daniel’s Antichrist grew out of the Roman Empire.

As discussed here, the Fourth Beast of Daniel 7 signifies the Roman Empire. Consequently, the eleventh Evil Horn in Daniel 7 grows out of the Roman Empire. As further argued here, the Evil Horns of Daniel 7 and 8 symbolize the same Antichrist. Consequently, the Evil Horn of Daniel 8 grows out of the Roman Empire.

Or is it Greek?

However, some interpret the phrase “out of one of them” in Daniel 8 as ‘out of one of the Greek horns’.

Daniel 8 symbolizes the Greek Empire as a goat (Dan 8:21). On this goat:

“There came up four conspicuous horns
toward the four winds of heaven.” (Dan 8:8)

These four horns are the four empires into which the Greek empire divided after Alexander’s death (cf. Dan 8:22). Daniel 8 continues:

Out of one of them came forth a rather small horn” (Dan 8:8-9).

Some read the phrase “one of them” as saying that the “small horn” came ‘out of one of the four horns’. If that is true, then the “small horn” grew out of the Greek empire and could be a Greek king, such as Antiochus IV Epiphanes.

The Possible Antecedents

Given the previous verse, ‘one of them’ may refer to one of the four horns, one of the four winds, or one of the ‘heavens’.

So, the question is, what are the antecedents for the terms ‘one’ and ‘them’? In the previous verse, there are three possible antecedents:

      • The four horns,
      • The four winds, and
      • The heavens. (In Hebrew, “heaven” is always plural (heavens).)

Genders must agree.

Hebrew nouns and pronouns have genders. These genders are invisible in English translations. However, the genders of pronouns, such as the “one” and “them” in our text, must agree with the genders of the nouns they refer to.

With the relevant words marked (f) for feminine or (m) for masculine, our text reads as follows:

8 … the large horn was broken; and in its place
there came up four conspicuous horns (f)
toward the four winds (f) of heaven (m).
9 Out of one (f) of them (m) came forth a rather small horn

This helps to determine out of what the little horn came:

‘Them’ refers to ‘heavens’. 

“Them” can only refer to the “heavens” because that is the only male plural in the preceding phrase.

Not horns – Since the word ‘them’ is male in form, while the Hebrew word for ‘horn’ is always feminine, ‘them’ does not refer to the four horns. Furthermore, horns do not grow on horns. Horns grow on the heads of animals. The “small horn” cannot come out of one of the Greek horns.

Not winds – ‘Them’ also does not refer to the ‘winds‘ because the word for ‘winds’ in Daniel 8:8 is written in feminine form.

Heavens – ‘Them’ can only refer to the heavens because that is the only male plural in the previous phrase. 

One of the winds

“Out of one of them” must be understood as “out of one of the winds of the heavens,” meaning from one of the four compass directions.

Not one heaven – Since ‘one’ and ‘them’ have different genders, they must have different antecedents. Since the previous section concluded that ‘them’ refers to the heavens, ‘one’ cannot also refer to one of the ‘heavens’.

Not one horn – Both “one” and “horns” are feminine. However, since ‘them’ refers to the heavens, and since ‘heavens’ do not have horns (horns grow on the heads of animals), ‘one’ does not refer to the ‘horns’. We do not say, ‘one of the horns of heaven’.

One of the winds – Since the only other feminine in the previous phrase is “winds,” “out of one of them” must be understood as “out of one of the winds of the heavens,” meaning from one of the four compass directions. This conclusion is confirmed by the final phrase in verse 8. It reads: “The four winds of heaven.” Therefore, the first phrase of verse 9 is aligned with the last phrase of verse 8:

  Feminine Masculine  
8:8 there came up four horns toward the four winds of the heavens
8:9 from the one from them came forth a small horn

It came from the Roman Empire.

If it did not come from the Greek horns, it came from the next empire, which was the Roman Empire.

Four horns appeared in the place of the great horn that was broken off. They extended “toward the four winds of the heavens,” that is, toward the four directions of the compass. From one of those ‘winds’ (compass directions) came the “small horn.” Therefore, it did not come from one of the Greek horns and it is not of Greek origin.

Since horns grow on heads, it is the horn of some beast. Since the next empire after Greece was Roman, the horn came from the Roman Empire.


One possible objection to this interpretation is that Daniel 8 does not seem to describe another empire between the Greek Empire and the Evil Horn.

It does not explicitly symbolize the Roman Empire. So, the question arises: Where is the Roman Empire in this chapter? This is answered as follows:

The Horn includes the Beast (Rome).

However, firstly, the Horn includes the Roman Empire.

Firstly, in the previous chapter (Daniel 7), the Horn is the Fourth Beast. The beast remains alive as long as the horn is alive. For example:

“Then I kept looking because of the sound of the boastful words which the horn was speaking; I kept looking until the beast was slain, and its body was destroyed and given to the burning fire.” (Dan 7:11)

Continuing the principles in Daniel 8,  the Horn includes the fourth beast of Daniel 7.

The Horn’s Political phase symbolizes Rome.

Secondly, the horn has a political and a religious phase. The first is the fourth beast of Daniel 7 and the second is the horn of Daniel 7

Secondly, Daniel 8 does allow for political Rome, for the horn in Daniel 8 has two phases of growth:

Horizontal – It first grows horizontally (Dan 8:9), symbolizing the horn’s political phase. This parallels the fourth beast of Daniel 7 when it “devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it” (Dan 7:8, 23).

Vertical – It then grows vertically to “the host of heaven and caused some of the host and some of the stars to fall to the earth” (Dan 8:10). It does not grow literally up to the stars. The stars symbolize God’s people, and trampling the stars symbolizes the persecution of God’s people, as also described by Daniel 7:21, and 25.

“It even magnified itself to be equal with the Commander of the host” (Dan 8:11), who is God. “It removed the regular sacrifice from Him.” The vertical expansion, therefore, is the horn’s religious phase, parallel to the evil horn of Daniel 7.

Therefore, the first phase of growth is the fourth beast of Daniel 7 and the second phase is the horn of Daniel 7.

Daniel 8 explains Daniel 2 and 7.

Thirdly, Daniel 2 provides a broad overview of history. Daniel 7 repeats that overview but adds the Antichrist and shifts the focus to it. Daniel 8 continues the trend. It focuses on the Antichrist and omits some of the details already provided by previous prophecies.

Thirdly and lastly, what we see in Daniel 8 is a trend we see as we progress from chapter to chapter; an increasing focus on the Evil Ruler:

Daniel 2 describes the full period from the time of Daniel to the Return of Christ without mentioning the Evil Ruler.

Daniel 7 also covers that full period but adds the Antichrist. In fact, it is the main character in this prophecy. This chapter divides the fourth empire into a political phase, described in only two verses (Dan 7:7, 19), and a subsequent phase during which the Antichrist will reign, described in about six verses.

Daniel 8 focuses even further on the Antichrist. By not mentioning the first (Babylonian) or the last (eternal) kingdoms, and by not explicitly mentioning the political phase of the Roman Empire, it reduces the focus on the full period. All focus is on the Antichrist. In other words, this Antichrist is more important than the political power from which it came. The only reason that the prophecies mention the political empires is to enable us to identify the evil anti-God power.

These three prophecies, really are one single prophecy.


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Three interpretations of the evil horn of Daniel 8


This article gives an overview of Daniel 8 and lists the alternative interpretations of the main character in this chapter, also represented by a small horn.

Daniel 8The previous two articles are preliminary overviews of the metal statue of Daniel 2 and the four beasts of Daniel 7. The Daniel 7 article did not identify the four beasts. Neither did it identify the main character in that chapter, symbolized as an 11th horn that “will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One” (Dan 7:25)


The Ram and the Goat symbolize Medo-Persia and Greece respectively. The goat’s large horn signifies the Greek kingdom of Alexander the Great. The four horns that came out after the large horn broke off are the four parts into which the Greek kingdom divided after Alexander’s death. But then the main character in the chapter appears, symbolized as another horn. This is a spiritual power, for it tramples God’s people for “2300 evenings and mornings.” This power is not explicitly identified.

The Ram and the Goat

Only two animals appear in the vision in Daniel 8; a ram and a goat:

The first is a ram, conquering into three directions, the north, the west, and the south (Dan 8:3-4). It is explicitly identified as Mede-Persia (Dan 8:20).

Next, a goat with one large horn appears. It defeats the Medo-Persian ram and becomes the dominant power (Dan 8:5-7). The goat is explicitly identified as Greece (Dan 8:20-21).

The Horns

At first, the goat has one large horn. But this horn was “broken” and four horns, extending out to the four winds of heaven (the four directions of the compass) came up in its place (Dan 8:8). Commentators generally agree that the one large horn refers to the kingdom of Alexander the Great and that the four horns are the four kingdoms into which Alexander’s empire was divided after his death.

The Little Horn

But then another horn (“a little horn“) appears. There is much disagreement about its identity. It did not attack any beast or kingdom, but it opposed:

(a) God’s people, symbolized as “the host of the stars” (Dan 8:10).
(b) God’s work of redemption, described as the tamid (daily or continual) and the temple (Dan 8:11-12), and
(c) God’s principal representative, called “the Prince of the host” or “the Prince of princes” (Dan 8:11, 25).

The Conversation in Heaven

Daniel then overheard two heavenly beings discussing the vision. One asked:

“How long will the vision about the regular sacrifice apply, while the transgression causes horror, so as to allow both the holy place and the host to be trampled?”

The other responded:

“For 2300 evenings and mornings; then the holy place will be properly restored.”

Daniel 8 does not mention the first kingdom of Daniel 7 (Babylon) or the last (eternal) kingdom. Instead, it focuses on and provides additional information about the main evil character in the book of Daniel, symbolized by an evil horn-king in both Daniel 7 and 8. Most of Daniel 8 is devoted to this king.


It is generally agreed that the evil horns in Daniel 7 and 8, which persecute the saints and blaspheme God, symbolize the same power.

The same symbol

The same symbol (a horn) is used for both. If a distinction had been intended, one way would have been to use a different symbol.

They are similar.


      • Begin small and become great (Dan 7:8 and 8:9);
      • Blaspheme God (Dan 7:8, 25 and 8:11, 25);
      • Persecute God’s people (Dan 7:21, 25 and 8:11, 25);
      • Are the last in a series of symbols;
      • Are identified with a period (Dan 7:25 and 8:14); and
      • Eventually suffer similar fates (Dan 7:26 and 8:25).

Later prophecies amplify the earlier ones.

Virtually all commentators accept this principle. For example, Daniel 7 repeats the four empires of Daniel 2, with additional information, particularly through the use of heads and horns to represent the divisions of these empires. The book of Daniel itself also mentions this principle at least twice:

In Daniel 9:22-23, Gabriel said that he came to give Daniel an understanding of “the vision,” which would be the vision in Daniel 8.

In Daniel 10-12, Daniel receives a “message” to explain the “vision” (Dan 10:1, 14). This also refers to the vision in Daniel 8, for that is the last “vision” before Daniel 10.

This principle implies that the vision of Daniel 8 elaborates on the vision of Daniel 7, which supports the conclusion that the little horns in Daniel 7 and 8 represent the same entity7.


In the view of Critical Scholars, the Antichrist horn signifies The Greek king Antiochus. Futurists believe it is an end-time Antichrist. In the historical view, it is the Roman Church and the 2300 days symbolizes a period from the time of Daniel until the Renaissance, when the power of the Roman Empire to persecute God’s people was broken.

Who is this little horn that blasphemes God and persecutes His people (Dan 8:9-14)? And what is its 2300 evening-mornings, when it will profane the sanctuary? The Preterist, Futurist, and Historicist schools of prophetic interpretation have different answers to these questions:

Preterist – The Greek king Antiochus

In this view:

(A) The majority of the prophecies of the book of Daniel have already been fulfilled and, therefore, have no significance for the present day or for the future.

(B) The little horn arose from one of the divisions of Alexander’s Greek empire.

(C) Specifically, it is the Greek king Antiochus IV Epiphanes.

(D) The 2300 “evening-mornings” are 2300 individual morning and evening sacrifices, or 1150 literal days, and describe a period during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes in the second century BC.

(E) The sanctuary refers to the temple in Jerusalem which Antiochus polluted and the victorious Jewish rebels purified before January 1, 164 B.C.

Futurists – An end-time Antichrist

Futurists generally follow the same line of interpretation. But they also see Antiochus as a type of an end-time Antichrist who will arise in the final years of earth’s history; just before Jesus returns. Some futurists also apply the 2300 “evening-mornings” to the end time. They interpret it as literal evenings-mornings or the literal 2300 days of the end-time reign of this Antichrist. During the last seven years of earth’s history, according to this interpretation, a literal temple (to be rebuilt in Jerusalem for the Jews) will be polluted by this Antichrist. The temple will be restored when Christ comes and puts an end to the reign of the Antichrist.

Historicists – Church of the Roman Empire

In this view:

(A) The prophecies in Daniel and Revelation portray an outline of history and the story of the ongoing struggle between good and evil down to the end of time.

(B) The evil horn-king represents the church of the Roman Empire (the Roman Church):

In the year 380, the emperor Theodosius made the Trinitarian version of Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire. During the fifth century, Europe became ‘Arian’ again as ‘Arian’ Germanic tribes fragmented Western Europe into various kingdoms. In the sixth century, Emperor Justinian subjected these ‘Arian’ nations. After that, through two centuries of rule by the Eastern Roman Empire through the church in the West, all ‘Arian’ nations converted to Trinitarian Christianity. Consequently, the church of the Middle Ages was the Roman Church; the Church of the Roman Empire. 

(C) Utilizing the day-for-a-year principle, historicists have held that the 2300 evening-mornings refer to a period of 2300 literal years, commencing in the time of the Persian Ram and concluding with the recovery of the message of the Bible truth after the distortions of the Middle Ages.

(D) The purification of the sanctuary symbolizes the restoration of God’s people and/or their message.

Comparison of the Three Views

These three interpretations of the various elements in Daniel 8:9-14 may be summarized as follows:

Preterlst Historicist Futurist
Little horn Antiochus IV Roman Church End-time Antichrist
2300 days 1150 past days 2300 historical years 2300 end-time days
Temple In Jerusalem God’s people In end-time Jerusalem
Cleansing Before 164 BC After the Middle Ages Return of Christ

The next article evaluates these three interpretations and identifies the evil horn-king by comparing the Animals of Daniel 7 to those of Daniel 8.


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