Example II

Rev 13:1– And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and upon his horns ten royal crowns, and upon his heads the names of blasphemy.

The dragon stood on the sand of the sea and a beast came out of the sea. Since it is “a beast” and not “the beast,” this beast is not the one previously mentioned in Rev 11:7 but a new player in the story. [Show More]

While this beast comes out of the sea, the land beast, later in Rev 13 (Rev 13:11), comes out of the land. Whenever Revelation contrasts earth with sea, earth is a positive concept. [Show More]

Both horns and heads symbolize earthly political powers, but in both Daniel and Revelation, while the horns exist at the same time, the heads are consecutive (Rev 17:12; Dan 7:7, 23-24). Some of those heads represent institutions that existed before Revelation was written. The Sea Beast symbolizes an institution that was formed through the fragmentation of the Roman Empire. [Show More]