Christianity began as a Jewish sect but 4 events separated it from Judaism.

Christianity began as a Jewish sect but four major events separated it from Judaism: (1) Receiving the Holy Spirit on Pentecost; (2) Persecution of the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem; (3) The first uncircumcised Gentile Christians, and (4) the Acts 15 church council.

1. Jerusalem Phase

This phase began with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. With the power of the Holy Spirit, the church grew exponentially but, for 2 to 4 years, consisted of Jews only, functioned as a sect of Judaism, observed the Law of Moses and the Jewish customs, remained limited to Jerusalem, and worshiped daily in the temple.

2. Judea and Samaria Phase

When Israel again rejected God by persecuting His Spirit-filled believers, the 490 year-covenant of Daniel 9 ended. Stephen pronounced God’s judgment on Israel and the Christians fled to Judea and Samaria, taking the gospel away from Jerusalem. For the next years, the church still observed the Law of Moses.

3. Gentile Dispute Phase

The church regarded Gentiles as unclean and avoided them but when Gentiles also received the Holy Spirit in Acts 10, it convinced the church that Gentiles may join the church. But a dispute arose as some Christians claimed that Gentile Christians must observe the Law of Moses.

4. Separation Phase

The Church Council in Acts 15 agreed that Gentiles are not subject to the Law of Moses, but Jewish Christians continued to live according to the Law and customs. This caused separation between the Jews and the Gentiles in the church.

Theological Implications

Early Church history provides important context for (1) Paul’s arguments that Jewish and Gentile Christians are united under the same law, (2) that the Law of Moses is no longer applicable, (3) that man is not justified by the works of the Law and (4) for Paul’s teaching, or lack of it, with respect to the Seventh Day Sabbath.

Estimated Dates

Approximate dates for key events in the first 40 years of the church – This article compares dates proposed by eight different Internet resources.

    • Other Articles

      Early Church History

      Key events in the first few decades that transformed the church from a sect of Judaism into an independent religion:

          • Jerusalem Phase 1After receiving the Holy Spirit, the church grew quickly but remained a Jewish sect, based in Jerusalem.
          • Judea and Samaria phase 2After the 490 years of Daniel 9 have come to an end, God dispersed the church to Judea and Samaria through persecution.
          • Gentile Dispute Phase 3When the first Gentiles became Christians, a dispute arose about whether they must observe the Law of Moses.
          • Separation Phase 4The church council (Acts 15 ) caused a separation between Jewish and Gentile Christians when it decided that Gentiles are not subject to the Law while Jewish Christians continued in the Law.
          • Theological Implications 5This history explains the disputes addressed by Paul’s letters.
          • Chronology – Dates for key events

      Other Topics

        • DANIEL
            • The Antichrist in Daniel 6The Antichrist in Daniel, which is the same as the beast in Revelation, arises out of the Roman Empire; it is not Antiochus Epiphanes.
            • The 490 years of Daniel 9 7Liberal scholars claim that this prophecy describes the Greek king Antiochus IV, two centuries before Christ. In Dispensationalism, the prophecy culminates in an end-time Antichrist. In the traditional interpretation, which dominated before liberalism and Dispensationalism, the prophecy focuses on Jesus Christ.
            • Is Daniel a fraud? 8Critical scholars teach that Daniel was written after the events it claims to predict.
        • REVELATION 9The ultimate purpose of this website is to explain these prophecies and, finally, the mark of the beast.
            • General Topics 10Does Revelation describe events chronologically? Must it be interpreted literally? The temple in heaven, Christ’s Return, Hear/See Combinations, and the Numbers in Revelation
            • The Seven Seals (Rev 4-7) 11There was a book in heaven that not even Christ was able to read because it was sealed up with seven seals. But, by overcoming, He became worthy to break the seven seals and open the book. Why was Jesus not “worthy” to open the book before He “overcame?” And how did His death make Him “worthy” to open the book?
            • The Seven Wars (Rev 12-14) 12This is the apex of Revelation. Revelation 12 provides an overview of history from before Christ until the end-time, Revelation 13 culminates in the end-time persecution, and Revelation 14 describes God’s response.
            • The Seven Last Plagues (Rev 15-16) 13The seven last plagues will be preceded by the end-time Christian-on-Christian persecution and followed by Christ’s return. Is the purpose simply punishment or do the plagues have a higher goal?
            • Revelation’s Beasts 14Revelation has three beasts with seven heads and ten horns each; a great red dragon (Rev 12:3), the beast from the sea (Rev 13:1), and a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names (Rev 17:3).
            • Babylon – Mother of Harlots (Rev 17-18) 15Babylon is mentioned only once in the first 15 chapters (Rev 14:8) but the seventh and final plague targets her specifically (Rev 16:19). Then Revelation 17 and 18 are dedicated to explaining who and what she is.
            • Revelation 17 verse-by-verse
        • TRINITY
        • SALVATION
        • THE LAW
        • DEATH
        • OTHER
            • Why does evil exist? 25And why does God not make an end to all evil?
            • The church began as a Jewish sect.26Key events that transformed the church into an independent religion
            • The Return of Christ 27When? How? Has His return been delayed?
            • About Author 28I do not hold any formal theological qualifications. Since I am not part of any religious organization, I am free to present the truth as I understand it. These articles are the result of my personal studies over many years.


  • 1
    After receiving the Holy Spirit, the church grew quickly but remained a Jewish sect, based in Jerusalem.
  • 2
    After the 490 years of Daniel 9 have come to an end, God dispersed the church to Judea and Samaria through persecution.
  • 3
    When the first Gentiles became Christians, a dispute arose about whether they must observe the Law of Moses.
  • 4
    The church council (Acts 15 ) caused a separation between Jewish and Gentile Christians when it decided that Gentiles are not subject to the Law while Jewish Christians continued in the Law.
  • 5
    This history explains the disputes addressed by Paul’s letters.
  • 6
    The Antichrist in Daniel, which is the same as the beast in Revelation, arises out of the Roman Empire; it is not Antiochus Epiphanes.
  • 7
    Liberal scholars claim that this prophecy describes the Greek king Antiochus IV, two centuries before Christ. In Dispensationalism, the prophecy culminates in an end-time Antichrist. In the traditional interpretation, which dominated before liberalism and Dispensationalism, the prophecy focuses on Jesus Christ.
  • 8
    Critical scholars teach that Daniel was written after the events it claims to predict.
  • 9
    The ultimate purpose of this website is to explain these prophecies and, finally, the mark of the beast.
  • 10
    Does Revelation describe events chronologically? Must it be interpreted literally? The temple in heaven, Christ’s Return, Hear/See Combinations, and the Numbers in Revelation
  • 11
    There was a book in heaven that not even Christ was able to read because it was sealed up with seven seals. But, by overcoming, He became worthy to break the seven seals and open the book. Why was Jesus not “worthy” to open the book before He “overcame?” And how did His death make Him “worthy” to open the book?
  • 12
    This is the apex of Revelation. Revelation 12 provides an overview of history from before Christ until the end-time, Revelation 13 culminates in the end-time persecution, and Revelation 14 describes God’s response.
  • 13
    The seven last plagues will be preceded by the end-time Christian-on-Christian persecution and followed by Christ’s return. Is the purpose simply punishment or do the plagues have a higher goal?
  • 14
    Revelation has three beasts with seven heads and ten horns each; a great red dragon (Rev 12:3), the beast from the sea (Rev 13:1), and a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names (Rev 17:3).
  • 15
    Babylon is mentioned only once in the first 15 chapters (Rev 14:8) but the seventh and final plague targets her specifically (Rev 16:19). Then Revelation 17 and 18 are dedicated to explaining who and what she is.
  • 16
    The conclusion that Jesus is ‘God’ forms the basis of the Trinity Doctrine.
  • 17
    For the first more than 300 years, the church fathers believed that the Son is subordinate to the Father. The Trinity Doctrine was developed by the Cappadocian fathers late in the fourth century but the decision to adopt it was not taken by the church.
  • 18
    Including Modalism, Eastern Orthodoxy view of the Trinity, Elohim, and Eternal Generation
  • 19
    Discussions of the Atonement – How does God do away with sin?
  • 20
    How people are put right with God
  • 21
    Must Christians observe the Law of Moses?
  • 22
    Must Christians observe the Sabbath?
  • 23
    Are the dead still alive and aware?
  • 24
    Will the lost be tormented in hell for all eternity?
  • 25
    And why does God not make an end to all evil?
  • 26
    Key events that transformed the church into an independent religion
  • 27
    When? How? Has His return been delayed?
  • 28
    I do not hold any formal theological qualifications. Since I am not part of any religious organization, I am free to present the truth as I understand it. These articles are the result of my personal studies over many years.

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